Work Packages

The work plan has been structured around six work packages (WP), each of them broken down into more specifically defined activities. The main work packages of the project are:

WP1: Project Management

WP2: Network – Building Consensus

WP3: Forum

WP4: Observatory

WP5: Assessment

WP6: Dissemination and Awareness Raising


WP1: Project Management


An effective project management system requires effective decision-making, operational internal communication, development of solid work breakdown structures, schedules, costs and resource plans, effective administrative and technical control of the project. All these factors will have the appropriate weight in the project.

In WP1, the objectives are to monitor the overall performance of the project and to ensure that the consortium will reach its objectives; to coordinate overall project administrative and networking subjects; to report progress to the EC; to assess conformity of the results with the initial project scope and goals; to promote project visibility and assess quality of results; to promote dissemination and acceptance of project results in the relevant international forums; to efficiently resolve any project internal conflicts; to ensure data protection and privacy; to administer project resources and monitor project spending, as well as being prepared and able to cope with unexpected occurrences; to manage audit procedures; to define “project procedures” to assure compliance with requirements.

WP2: Network – Building Consensus

Responsible Beneficiary: University of Namur

In WP2 the theoretical landscape function and the case study comparison function are two main outcomes. In WP2 the problem that both the research community and society are confronting should be addressed and defined in detail. The WP2 will set–up a crosspoint for existing networks and extract the main issues for responsible research and innovation (network of networks). The stakeholders’ engagement will be to identify the pool of case studies and provide a critical feedback. The WP2 is a building block of the project due to the provision of a pool of stakeholders that will not be addressed only for dissemination reasons but for crucial feedback on the RRI issues.

WP3: Forum

Responsible Beneficiary: Technische Universitat Berlin

It is crucial to clarify that WP3 has two main functions: political and implementation. A forum is a body that does not negotiate decisions and is self- regulated, while the participation is open, transparent and remote. It defined through three major components: political, industrial and societal. The main objectives of the Forum are; to be an interface between politicians, society and industry, researchers and CSOs; to determine approaches to the RRI and to construct a virtual meeting place (forum of discussion) for RRI stakeholders.

WP4: Observatory

Responsible Beneficiary: De Montfort University

WP4 concentrates on the development of the Observatory. This observatory will be “hosted” in the project’s website. A comprehensive role and structure of the Observatory will be supported. This means to establishing scope, identifying and involving stakeholders, specifying, providing and verifying inputs, and using and exploiting the outcome. The Observatory will have a role of providing RRI policy guidelines. It will be accessible for all interested citizens besides the policy makers and the researchers. Important societal issues interrelated to ethics, human dignity and privacy will be on the core of the Observatory outlook towards societal stakeholders.The Observatory will be the virtual place where the awareness raising and training activities will be deployed.

WP5: Assessment

Responsible Beneficiary: The Chancellor, Masters and Scholars of the uNiversity of Oxford

WP5 has as a main objective, the assessment of

a. the analytical grid defined in WP2

b. the forum, and

c. the observatory.

The international partners will be strongly involved in assessment.

WP6: Dissemination and Awareness Raising

Responsible Beneficiary: Signosis

In WP6 the RESPONSIBILITY project will focus on dissemination and awareness raising activities by organising and supporting common Events related to Members States and Associated States, national research organising authorities and research communities. The reason for this is the fact that RRI could work on one country level but as a general accepted concept. A major  Event is foreseen for the RESPONSIBILITY project. A toolbox for media dissemination will be created, in order to assist the involvement of the stakeholders. Policy briefings regarding for the RRI open issues will be developed. Standard dissemination material will be available; usb sticks, leaflets, logo, newsletters.