Project Partners


The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft undertakes applied research of direct utility to private and public enterprise and of wide benefit to society. Its services are solicited by customers and contractual partners in industry, the service sector and public administration. By developing technological innovations and novel systems solutions for their customers, the Fraunhofer Institutes help to reinforce the competitive strength of the economy in their local region, and throughout Germany and Europe. At present, the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft maintains some 80 research units, including 58 Fraunhofer Institutes, at over 40 different locations in Germany.

The Fraunhofer-Institut für Produktionsanlagen und Konstruktionstechnik IPK (Institute for Production Systems and Design Technology) in Berlin conducts applied research and development on future-oriented technologies for production processes in factories. Furthermore, its activities are extending into new areas of application in the flourishing fields of medical technology, service robotics, traffic management, globalization management, virtual product and process development, product manufacturing, process control and optimization, and safety, security and testing systems.

The Department for Security Technology of Fraunhofer IPK has been working for more than twenty years on the development of new methods for digital image processing, image evaluation and their practical application. The research team of the department embodies various specialized scientists in the disciplines of electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, information technology, machine building, computer science, physics and mathematics. Beside technological R&D projects and solutions the department is also active in several various national and international projects with accompanying research of user or societal acceptance as well as ethical aspects, violations of security and privacy.

Fraunhofer IPK is the co-ordinator of the consortium, and responsible for the scientific and technical management of the project.

Key personnel:

  • Dr.-Ing. Aki Zaharya Menevidis
  • Dipl. Ing. Mohamad Ajami

2- SIGNOSIS Sprl, (Signosis)

Research & Consultancy

Avenue Louise 367

1050 Brussels, Belgium

Signosis ( is an advisory, research and project management company based in Brussels, Belgium. Our work is driven by our passion, curiosity and desire to respond to our clients’ needs and to develop solutions that add value to their business. We support public authorities, companies, the academic research community, Civil Society Organizations and international institutions, with the knowledge, capabilities and innovative ideas needed to deliver outstanding results. We are client focused and our aim is to get results to client in the most efficient and timely manner. We embrace corporate responsibility, balancing our commercial interests with the creation of shared value by using our capabilities in ways that contribute to both social progress and economic success. Signosis provides multidisciplinary services within various fields of expertise, ranging from information technologies to sustainability and social policy and focusing on promoting and implementing innovation in companies and social and public organisations. We offer solutions in areas such as policy and strategy development, reorganization and improvement of capacity of government entities, production of research reports and documentation, management of EU funded research projects, programme management and evaluation, design and delivery of custom training programmes, review and development of sustainability strategies and programmes. These solutions are founded on a long history of experience and expertise in research and in strategy and management consulting, in correlation with the understanding that knowledge, apart from power, is an ultimate business strategic priority.

Signosis is leading the dissemination and awareness raising activities, while is responsible for the administrative management of the project

Key personnel:

  • Elena Tavlaki
  • Dimitris Micharikopoulos


Centre for Computing and Social Responsibility

De Montfort University

Leicester, UK

The Centre for Computing and Social Responsibility (CCSR) at De Montfort University researches, and provides teaching, consultancy and advice on the actual and potential impacts of computing and related technologies on society and its citizens.

De Montfort University is based in Leicester, in the heart of England. It has over 1,000 research students among its total student population of 27,000. Three pieces of research conducted at DMU are listed among the UK’s top 100 projects that will have a profound impact on the future.

Within De Montfort University’s Faculty of Technology, the Centre for Computing and Social Responsibility (CCSR) is the largest research centre of its kind in the UK and one of few of its kind in Europe and the world. CCSR runs the Information Society Doctoral Programme with over 30 current research students. CCSR has undertaken funded research for a range of stakeholders including private organisations, professional bodies, NGOs, the UK government and the EU. As one of the leading research centres in the field, the CCSR has set up and continues to be involved in running both the ETHICOMP international conference series and the globally used Computer Ethics email list ( The centre comprises a Director, two Visiting Professors, a Reader, a Senior Lecturer, a Senior Research Fellow, a Research Fellow, a Lecturer, a Technology Officer and 11 Research Associates. In addition it has International Research Associates spread across the world (including Japan, Australia, and USA).

The team from CCSR at De Montfort University is leading on the development of the Observatory, but also leads tasks within other work-packages, resulting in substantial cross-project involvement.

Key personnel:

  • Dr N. Ben Fairweather
  • Dr Sara Helen Wilford
  • Professor Don Gotterbarn



The Laboratory for the Ethical Governance of Information Technology (LEGIT) is a research centre focused on the development of an innovative approach to the governance of information technology.

The centre develops an ethical framework based on a new understanding of the conditions of normative judgements in specific ethical contexts, focused in particular on reflexivity.

Collaborations in previous completed projects include IDEGOV (Identification and Governance of Emerging Ethical Issues on Information Systems), ETICA (Ethical Issues of Emerging ICT Applications) and EGAIS (Ethical Governance of Emerging Technologies).

LEGIT leads work package 2 of the RESPONSIBILITY project, dealing with the theoretical grounding of the governance approach taken in the project.

Key personnel

  • Professor Philippe Goujon
  • Dr. Stephen Rainey



The Center for Technology and Society (CTS) was founded in 1995 and is a central research department of the Technical University of Berlin. Its research focus lies on interactions between societal and technical developments. In this regard the CTS follows a problem-oriented research approach. As such, the majority of research programs are not limited to descriptive-analytical approaches. Instead they focus on the development and testing of innovative solutions and policies. At the department ‘Security, Risk, and Privacy’ organizational, political, and technological developments, which affect and constitute social perception and operational arrangement of e. g. security are analyzed. One of the department’s central concerns is to integrate political and socially acceptable as well as user-friendly design options into the development of security technologies. The ‘human technology lab’ is an interdisciplinary research network at the CTS. The lab is a hub for joint research initiatives between social scientists and engineers in the context of human centered technology design.

In the RESPONSIBILITY project TUB is responsible for the development and implementation of the FORUM as well as for providing the technical specification of the OBSERVATORY. The FORUM is the core component for the elicitation of guidelines on how to do responsible research.

Key personnel

  • Dr. Leon Hempel
  • Dipl.-Soz. tech. Michael Hahne


Wolfson Building

Parks Road




The University of Oxford employs over 7,100 academic, research and support staff across a wide range of academic disciplines. Its mission is to achieve and sustain excellence in every area of its teaching and research, maintaining and developing its historical position as a world-class university, and enriching the international, national, and regional communities through the fruits of its research and the skills of its graduates. In support of this aim, the University will: provide the facilities and support for its staff to pursue innovative research, building upon Oxford’s outstanding research record, by responding to developments in the intellectual environment and society at large, and by forging close links with the wider academic world, the professions, industry, and commerce; promote challenging and rigorous teaching which benefits from a fruitful interaction with the research environment, facilitating the exchange of ideas through tutorials and small-group learning and exploiting the University’s resources in its libraries, museums, and scientific collections, to equip its graduates to play their part at a national and international level; maintain and make best use of the advantages of its independent colleges, where members’ intellectual and personal development is fostered within a stimulating, multidisciplinary academic community, and academic life is strengthened through the provision of high-quality support services;
attract students of the highest calibre, from the UK and internationally, to its undergraduate, graduate, and continuing education courses, widening access by actively seeking applications from students from diverse backgrounds and extending further the many and varied opportunities for life-long learning offered in the Oxford region and more widely. The University has four academic divisions (Humanities; Social Sciences; Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences; and Medical Sciences) through which its academic administration is conducted. Each division is led by a full time Head of Division who chairs the Divisional Board and major committees.

The Oxford e-Research Centre is a unique centre of excellence at the University of Oxford which works across all fields and disciplines to enable the use and development of innovative computational and information technology. Since its foundation in 2006, the Oxford e-Research Centre has attracted an internationally prestigious team of 50 multidisciplinary researchers committed to accelerating research through innovative technology in fields as diverse as Chemistry and the Humanities, HPC and the Social Sciences – as well as leading work on the ethics of e- Research. The Centre now collaborates with over 20 research units across the University, leading a consortium of six University groups through e-Research South and has strategic research collaborations in the US, Australasia and Europe.

Whilst involved to varying degrees in most parts of the project, Oxford is leading the assessment phase of the study. This will necessitate the undertaking of various qualitative user studies to consider and suggest implications for the Analytic Grid, Forum and Observatory.

Key personnel:

  • Dr. Marina Jirotka
  • Dr. Grace Eden
  • Dr. Menisha Patel


GeoImaging Ltd

Geoinformatics & Consultancy

Georgios Seferis 6

Nicosia Cyprus

GeoImaging Ltd [] is a leading SME in Cyprus, established in 2002 at Nicosia. The company offers scientific and professional solutions in Geo-informatics. It is also active in R&D programmes, in EU & national funded projects and provides consultations services as well. The services and consultations of GeoImaging are tailored towards Geo-informatics area that helps public and private sector succeed with improving their performance and implementing projects. GeoImaging goal is to support its clients and partners in the responsible and successful completion of projects. The products and services span state of the art knowledge and technology from spatial/image information acquisition, processing, analysis to representation and visualisation. The area of projects‟ that GeoImaging is acting concerns informatics in the broader extent, i.e. Photogrammetry, Imaging, 3D modelling, GIS, IT/Software Development & Databases, Cartography, Remote Sensing, Surveying, Geodesy and GPS.

Understanding the importance of continuous progress and market competitiveness,

GeoImaging has developed its own R&D department. The research topics developed attempt to incorporate IT/geoinformatics solutions to a wide area of arts and sciences targeting to the production of knowledge intensive innovative services and products. More specifically, GeoImaging Ltd has a vivid interest in participating in EU and National funded projects, initiating, coordinating and submitting research proposals covering a wide range of topics and making use of an extended network of partners and contacts from the public and private sector.

Key personnel:

  • Kostas Smagas
  • Elena Valari



University of Siena (Acronym: UNISI)

via Banchi di Sotto 55,

53100 Siena Italy

The University of Siena (UNISI) participates in the Responsibility project via its Department of Information Engineering and Mathematical Sciences. The main research activities encompass the areas of Automatic Control, Communications, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Electromagnetism, Electronics, Mathematical Analysis and Operation Research. At present there are more than 110 members of the Department; among them there are 13 full professors, 15 associate professors, and 18 assistant professors. As for the ICT sector, research activity is carried out in the following fields: i) digital television; ii) wireless networking; iii) satellite communications; iv) image processing and transmission; v) design and development of network services; vi) security; vii) infomobility; viii) cultural heritage and multimedia; xi) wireless sensors networks.

The interest of UNISI is on future networks including the different technologies of cellular and wireless systems (broadband wireless, satellite, sensors). A particular attention will be given to emerging networking technologies, quality of service, and quality of experience aspects. Finally, within the broad networking field, also security and privacy issues will be addressed. The interest is to consider the contribution of the communications&networking community to ICT and related regulations for a responsible R&D in this sector. Italian) (in English)


Key personnel:

  • Dr. Giovanni Giambene (full-time researcher)

9- University of the Aegean-Research Unit, (AEGEAN)

University of the Aegean – GREECE

Department of Information and Communication Systems Engineering

Information & Communication Systems Security Laboratory

83200 Karlovassi –Samos


The Laboratory of Information and Communications Systems Security (Info-Sec-Lab) includes seven academic staff mem¬bers (Prof. S. Gri¬tza¬lis, Associate. Prof. L. Mitrou, Asst. Prof. S. Kokolakis, Asst. Prof. P. Rizomiliotis, Asst Prof. E. Konstantinou, Asst. Prof. M. Karyda, Asst. Prof. G. Kambourakis) and more than twenty research scientists (PhDs – Postdoc Researchers) and engineers.

The main research topics within the Info-Sec-Lab include: Privacy Enhancing Technologies; Legal and Regulatory issues in Data and Privacy Protection; Security and Privacy Economics Critical Information and Communication Infrastructure Security; Secure Elec¬tro¬nic Vot¬ing; Wireless Mobile Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks Security and Privacy;; Medical Informatics Security and Privacy; Smart Card Technology and Applications; Voice over IP Security; Grid Security; Cloud Computing Security and Privacy; Security Policies; Security Management; Risk Assessment Methodologies; Intrusion Detection Systems; Security Education; Digital Forensics; Secure eCommerce, eBusiness, eGovernment, eLearning architectures and services;, etc.

The members of the Info-Sec-Lab have been involved in several R&D projects on Se¬cu¬rity and Privacy, security investigations, au¬dits, security conference committees, and security reviews. Most of the R&D projects have been funded by either European Com-mission Programmes or European Standardization Committee (CEN) or the Greek Government

AEGEAN is supporting the construction and the implementation of the FORUM and the Observatory and contributes to the drafting and presentation of policy briefs as well as to the dissemination activities of the project.

Key personnel:

  • Dr. Lilian Mitrou


10- Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, (UNIMAS)


UNIMAS is the first public university to be established in the state of Sarawak. UNIMAS was incorporated on 24th December 1992. UNIMAS commitment to research has already been recognized by the stakeholders and partners in industry by the provision of endowments for the establishment of eight research chairs; these include the Tun Zaidi Chair for Medicinal Chemistry, the Tun Openg Chair for Sago Technology, the Shell Chair for Environmental Studies, and the Sapura Chair for ICT. Today, UNIMAS strength in research is being acknowledged by peers in at least three niche areas of research: Biotechnological research in epidemiology (dengue, JE, FMHD, malaria), biogeography (phylogenetics) and agriculture (sago); ICT, specifically on rural communication and image analysis; and Biodiversity, natural resource and environmental management. The university management has upgraded, based on their strength in research, the status of some of their research groups at UNIMAS to Centres of Excellence which are: The Malaria Research Centre The Centre for Water Research Rural Informatics Image Analysis and Spatial Technologies Semantic Technology and Augmented Reality Renewable Energy Sago Research

UNIMAS is supporting the overall RESPONSIBILITY research activities leading by other partners, and also leading 6.1 Dissemination & Awareness Raising Strategy.

Key personnel:

  • Dr Rohaya Mohd Nor
  • Assoc Prof Dr Alvin Yeo

11- UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE, (UCHILE) – Advanced Mining Technology Center. Chile_logo2_VerticalOficialfcfm_JPG Chile_amtc

Universidad de Chile

Av Tupper 2007, Santiago, Chile

The Universidad de Chile is the oldest and most important university in Chile, in terms of research and number of students. The School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas – FCFM in Spanish) is the main engineering School in Chile, carrying most of the basic and applied research in the country. About 1/3 of the government funded research projects (CONICYT) are developed at this School. The FCFM is the largest Engineering and Applied Sciences School in Chile, with about 80,000 square meters of laboratories, offices, classrooms and libraries. The library system of the FCFM consist of a central library and 9 other libraries from different departments, which gather more than 180 thousand volumes (books and magazines), mainly in areas of engineering and applied sciences.

The FCFM created the Advanced Mining Technology Center en 2008. This will be the Chilean partner of this project. More information about its research activities can be found in

The Advanced Mining Technology Center has been involved in several international co-operation programs and projects in the last years (INCO, ALFA, etc.).

Key personnel:

  • Dr. Javier Ruiz-del-Solar
  • Dr. Rodrigo Verschae



Kyushu Institute of Technology

Iizuka Campus: 680-4 Kawazu, Iizuka-shi, Fukuoka, Japan

The Kyushu Institute of Technology (Kyutech) was originally founded as a private institution called the Meiji College of Technology (MCT) in 1907, in the northern area of the island of Kyushu in Japan, Tobata area, by Mr. Keiichiro Yasukawa and Mr. Kenjiiro Matsumoto. First students enrolled in 1909, and in 1921, the MCT management was transferred to the government. In 1949, it became a national university and was renamed to Kyushu Institute of Technology. In 1986, in addition to the Faculty of Engineering, the new Faculty of Computer Science and Systems Engineering, Iizuka campus was founded, and in 2001 the Graduate School of Life Sciences and Systems Engineering, Wakamatsu campus. The Kyutech is structured into two schools and three graduate schools. One of Kyutech’s unique characteristics is the enrollment of professionals to our graduate schools. As of May 1, 2011, 4,323 undergraduate students and 1,728 graduate students, 6,051 in total, attend Kyutech. In addition to this, Kyutech is promoting the interactive exchange with local communities, e.g. in the Kitakyushu science and research park development project, E-zuka try valley concept, Fukuoka silicon sea belt project, among many other. It provides the social contribution through research activities and has so-far created 42 spin-outs (FY2007, 11th in national university ranking). The objectives of the Kyutech activities are

  • Quality assurance in education
  • Multifaceted quality improvement in research
  • Contribution to society
  • Management and administration as a national university corporation
  • Training of global engineers
  • Creation of world-class research fields
  • Social contribution by industry-academia collaborations through research
  • Creation of new technology by mutual collaboration and fusion key fields
  • Creation of newly industrialized area

Key personnel:

  • Mario Köppen


Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund Wien Gesundheits- und Soziale Dienste gemeinnützige GmbH

Pillergasse 24

A-1150 Wien



Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund is a non-profit organization and was founded over 80 years ago. Since then, all members follow their main mission: Helping people in need, regardless of their gender, age, ethnicity, religion or ideology. Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund Österreichs counts over 150.000 members and 5.000 employees, including many volunteers. The main area of Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund Wien Gesundheits- und Soziale Dienste gemeinnützige GmbH is nursing and home care for the eldery. Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund Wien also provides paramedic services, moving of sick persons, meals on wheels, emergency alarm services, and caring for homeless and asylum seeking people. Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund also cooperates with diverse other organisations like homes for the elderly, organizing different activities such as courses and workshops and enabling communication between clients and organisations. The main focus of these activities is participation and social engagement.

Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund Wien contributes to the RESPONSIBILITY project by introducing perspectives of the caregiving organisation and all its relevant partners.

Key personnel:

  • Petra Hellmich
  • Philip Tate
  • Sigrid Panovsky