Project Team Members
His recent project-activities were:
![]() Dipl. Ing. Mohamad Ajami Dipl. Ing. Mohamad Ajami graduated from the Technical University of Berlin in the year 2011, and he had his major in Computational Science, with emphasis on Image analysis, and Industrial robotics. He has been working in Fraunhofer since the beginning of 2011 as a scientific assistant in the division automation technology and the department of security technology. |
2 SIGNOSIS SPRL SignosisElena Tavlaki Elena Tavlaki – Tel: +32 26 72 72 40 Fax: +32 26 42 00 43 Mobile: +32 473 11 12 70 Skype: elena.tavlaki Elena Tavlaki is the founder and Director of Signosis. She has a long and successful record in the ICT sector and in research management. Elena has worked for the Hellenic Telecommunications Organization (OTE), where she held various positions in key business units before joining the Research Programs Division, where she coordinated and participated in many large national and international collaborative research projects. She also worked as a freelance consultant and she was the Director of Research in ARACHNI Ltd, an Athens based innovative IT company, where she was responsible for the management and implementation of large FP7 research projects. In Signosis she is responsible for all aspects of company’s operations and for the preparation and management of EU funded research projects. Elena obtained a Diploma in Mining and Metallurgist Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) and a Masters Degree in Business Administration from the University of Piraeus. |
![]() Dimitris Micharikopoulos Dimitris Micharikopoulos, is a senior partner at Signosis. He has over 15 years research and consulting experience, working in the fields of employment, social protection, sustainability, corporate responsibility and regional development and has directed and participated in a large number of projects in related fields. In the past he held research and managerial positions in consultancies and in leading Greek scientific institutions on social and employment issues and was a senior advisor for ministries, government agencies and local authorities. He has also led corporate responsibility consulting projects for big corporations and demonstrates a proven record of experience in the fields of social policy and sustainability, in both the private and the public sector. Dimitris holds a degree in Law from the University of Athens. He also completed postgraduate studies in International Economic. |
3 DE MONTFORT UNIVERSITY DMUDr N. Ben Fairweather Senior Research Fellow T: +44 (0)116 207 8098 Dr N. Ben Fairweather is Senior Research Fellow in the Centre, coordinator of the Information Society Doctoral Programme, and supervisor of many successful doctoral students. His own PhD was in moral philosophy applied to environmental concern. For many years he has been a co-author of a series of studies of the attitudes to ethics and professionalism of members of the Institute for the Management of Information Systems, a professional organisation that promotes RRI. He is a member of the UK-based Nuclear Consulting Group (, which promotes a responsible attitude to nuclear Research and Innovation. He is a long-standing member of the programme committees of the ETHICOMP series of conferences. He has been co-editor of the Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society since its inception in 2003. He was a member of the editorial board of Telematics and Informatics, 2001-2010, and has been for International Review of Information Ethics since 2010. |
![]() Dr Sara Helen Wilford Senior Lecturer, Research Fellow T: +44 (0)116 250 6294 E: Dr Sara Helen Wilford is a Senior Lecturer in Computer Ethics and Research in the CCSR. She holds a Degree in Public Administration and Management, PGCert (HE) and a PhD in Computer Ethics and Public Policy. She has led a number of research projects including a pilot evaluation of Patient and Public Involvement in end-of-life care services. She has also been involved in research on the PHM-Ethics project (GA number 230602), evaluation of the UK local government Beacon Council Scheme and knowledge sharing in Citizens Advice Bureaux. She is active across the fields of computer ethics, privacy and public policy. Dr Wilford serves the academic community in a variety of roles. She is currently book reviews editor for Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society (JICES) and conducts peer review for Information Technology and People Journal. |
![]() Professor Don Gotterbarn Visiting Professor at CCSR DMU and East Tennessee State University, emeritus t: +1 (423) 439 – 6849 e: Professor Don Gotterbarn is a visiting professor at CCSR. He was active as a software engineer and had his own computer consulting company directing large software projects. He has degrees in computing, philosophy, and religion. He has been active in the field of computing ethics for 25 years. He has worked on the development of international computing standards, directed the multinational team that developed the Software Engineering Code of Ethics and Professional Practice. He is also the director of the Software Engineering Ethics Research Institute and chair of the Association for Computing Machinery Professional Ethics Committee. He is chair of the IEEE Computer Society Professional Practice Committee Technical Council on Software Engineering, is the ACM representative to the International Federation of Information Processing Technical Council on Computing and Society, is a member of the British Computer Society ICT Ethics Specialist Group is past vice chair of Computers and Society, was on the executive committee of International Society on Ethics and Information Technology, and a past member of the British Computer Society Ethics Forum. |
![]() John PEARSON Email: Telephone: +32(0)81/72.49.99 Skype: john.pearson777 John Pearson is a post-doctoral researcher at the LEGIT centre. His research is focused on the theoretical grounding and practical implications of the governance approach taken in the project. Previous post-doctoral positions include the University of Antwerp, the Catholic University of Louvain, and the European University Institute. Dr Pearson’s research includes examination of the theoretical grounding of multi-level governance and law in different domains, with a particular focus on EU governance. |
![]() Michael Hahne Dipl.-Soz. tech. Michael Hahne graduated in Sociology and Technology Studies with a minor in Computer Science from the Technical University of Berlin in 2004. His research interests are in the fields of technology & innovation studies, technology acceptance, human centred and participatory design. Since 2010 he is vice-head of the human technology lab which he co-founded with Dr. Leon Hempel. The human technology lab focuses on the cooperation of social scientists and engineers in the context of human centered technology assessment and development. Michael Hahne is member of the 4S (Society for Social Studies of Science) and the Section for Science and Technology studies of the German Society for Sociology (DGS). In the past decade he was involved in numerous projects. |
Dr. Marina Jirotka is Reader in Requirements Engineering at Oxford University, Associate Director of the Oxford eResearch Centre, Associate Researcher of the Oxford Internet Institute and Governing Body Fellow of St Cross College. Marina has led a number of research projects relating to ethical, legal and social issues including: research on the importance of intellectual property rights in collaborative medical databases (ESRC Copyright Ownership of Medical Data in Collaborative Computing Environments); Ethical, Legal and Institutional Responses to Emerging e-Research Infrastructure, Policies and Practices (ESRC); a consideration of the economic, social, legal and regulatory issues that emerge in the next generation of the internet (EPSRC Opportunities and Challenges in the Digital Economy – an Agenda for the Next-generation Internet); and an investigation into the emergent practices and capabilities of social networking systems, exploring how to develop understandings of services, exchange and interaction to benefit the UK economy (EPSRC Innovative Media for the Digital Economy (IMDE)). In 2009 she became Deputy Director of ESRC’s UK Strategy for Digital Social Research. She is most recently leading the EPSRC Framework for Responsible Research and Innovation in ICT project. She is also work package leader in two of the four forthcoming European projects on Responsible Research and Innovation; the RESPONSIBILITY and GREAT projects (coordinated by Fraunhofer, Germany and the University of Namur, Belgium), and is work package leader on a further forthcoming EU (IP) project “Hybrid and Diversity-Aware Collective Adaptive Systems: When People Meet Machines to Build a Smarter Society” – SmartSociety (coordinated by the University of Trento, Italy). Marina is a Chartered IT Professional of the BCS and sits on the ICT Ethics Specialist Group committee and the Digital Economy Ethics Advisory Panel. She has published widely in international journals and conferences in e-Science, HCI, CSCW and Requirements Engineering. |
![]() Dr. Grace Eden Dr. Grace Eden is a Senior Research Associate at Computer Science Department and post-doctoral researcher on the EPSRC funded project “Framework for Responsible Research and Innovation in ICT‟ where the first comprehensive study is underway to discover current positions within UK ICT research community regarding the challenges arising in the identification of issues related to the social consequences of ICT research outcomes. Grace recently completed her DPhil at the Oxford University Computer Science Department conducting interdisciplinary research (computer science & social science) within the UK e-Research programme. With a focus on understanding the ways in which technology effects work practice within scientific settings her research extends across two areas of social science research; the sociology of scientific knowledge (SSK), with its focus on how scientific knowledge is produced, organised and shared, and computer supported cooperative work (CSCW), with it focus on understanding the details of work practice and collaboration. |
![]() Dr. Menisha Patel Dr. Menisha Patel is a Research Associate at the Oxford e-Research Centre, working on the RESPONSIBILITY Project. Menisha recently completed her Phd at King’s College London within the Department of Management. The primary focus of this qualitative study was the investigation of, rendering visible of and assessment of the existing practices of occupational members within the asymmetrical constraints of a “command and control” environment. This was accomplished through the use of audio-visual data and a methodological framework based on ethnomethodology and conversation analysis. It extended to the assessment and derivation of implications for a prototype, complex technological system to support work in such environments. For the past six years since graduating from her undergraduate degree in Business Management at King’s College London, Menisha has been involved in a number of similar qualitative studies. These have included investigating occupation practice in various domains to derive sociological and technological insights, and also conducting quasi-naturalistic experimental studies to investigate the use of and convey implications for prototype technologies. |
7 GEOIMAGING LTD GEOKostas Smagas Kostas”at” Skype Id: kostas_smagas Kostas Smagas received his degree in International & European Economic & Political Studies, from the University of Macedonia, Greece in 2003. In 2005 he received his Master of Science in Public Administration from the Leiden University, The Netherland and currently is attending an MBA course for executives. Kostas Smagas is participating in the project and program management of the company. He is expert in consulting and involved as a project member in various projects providing consultation services and technical assistance in thematic areas such as strategic and business planning, action plan and structure reorganization of public & private enterprises. Kostas is participating in the project and program management of the company and has been involved as a team member in 6 EU (FP7) funded projects. He has attended several scientific conferences and technical workshops and contributed in 4 publications. He is also expert in website development using open source applications and in Science Communication strategy and implementation. |
![]() Elena Valari Elena”at” Skype id: Valari.eleni Ms Elena Valari holds a degree in Computer Science from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, since 2008. In 2010 she received her Master of Science in Information Systems from the same University. Elena is member of the IT department with participation in 2 conferences and 2 publications. She has participated as project member in one funded research project. She is participating as computer programmer & consultant (Java/C++/C). |
8 UNIVERSITA’ DEGLI STUDI DI SIENA UNISIDr. Giovanni Giambene (full-time researcher) Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Informazione e Scienze Matematiche Università degli Studi di Siena Via Roma, 56 53100 Siena, Italy Tel.: +39 0577 234850 Int. 1016 Fax: +39 0577 233602 |
Skype: giambene
Email:, Giovanni Giambene was born in Florence, Italy, in 1966. He received the Dr. Ing. degree in Electronics in 1993 and the Ph.D. degree in Telecommunications and Informatics in 1997, both from the University of Florence, Italy. From 1994 to 1997, he was with the Electronic Engineering Department of the University of Florence, Italy. He was Technical External Secretary of the European Community COST 227 Action (“Integrated Space/Terrestrial Mobile Networks”). From 1997 to 1998, he was with OTE of the Marconi Group, Florence, Italy, where he was involved in a GSM development program. In 1999, he joined the Information Engineering Department of the University of Siena, Italy, first as a research associate and then as an assistant professor and aggregate professor. He teaches the master level course on Networking at the University of Siena. From 1999 to 2003 he participated in the project “Multimedialità”, financed by the Italian National Research Council (CNR). From 2000 to 2003, he contributed to the “Personalised Access to Local Information and services for tourists” (PALIO) IST Project within the EU FP5 programme. He was vice-Chair of the COST 290 Action for its whole duration 2004-2008, entitled “Traffic and QoS Management in Wireless Multimedia Networks” (Wi-QoST). He participated in the SatNEx I & II network of excellence (FP6 programme, 2004-2009) as work package leader of two groups on radio access techniques and cross-layer air interface design for satellite communication systems and the FP7 Coordination Action “Road mapping technology for enhancing security to protect medical & genetic data” (RADICAL) as work package leader on security challenges for e-health applications. At present, he is involved in the ESA SatNEX III research project (CoO3 on “Smart Gateway Diversity”), in the COST Action IC0906 “Wireless Networking for Moving Objects” (WiNeMO), and in the FP7 Coordination Action named “Responsibility”. He is author of more than 120 papers on internationally-recognized journal of conferences. |
9 University of the Aegean-Research Unit AEGEAN
10 Universiti Malaysia Sarawak UNIMAS
![]() Assoc Prof Dr Alvin Yeo Email: Contact No: 006082 583659 Institute of Social Informatics and Technological Innovations Universiti Malaysia Sarawak 94300 Kota Samarahan Sarawak, Malaysia Alvin W. Yeo is the Director of the Institute of Social Informatics and Technological Innovations (ISITI), and an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, where he also heads the Sarawak Language Technology (SaLT) Research Group. He earned his PhD and Bachelor of Computing and Mathematical Sciences (Hons) from the Computer Science Department, University of Waikato, New Zealand. Alvin has expertise in the area of Information Systems, specifically in Information and Communications Technology for Rural Development (ICT4RD) and human computer interaction (HCI). His ICT4RD research has resulted in numerous publications, including 3 book chapters in The Encyclopaedia of Developing Regional Communities with ICT. In recognition of his expertise, Alvin has been involved in the evaluation of a Federal Government ICT4RD programme (study was commissioned by the Malaysian Communication and Multimedia Commission). In addition, Alvin co-produced A Guidebook on Setting Up Community E-Centres in Rural Areas Based on the Experiences in Malaysia commissioned by UNESCAP. Furthermore, Alvin has helped UNIMAS to become internationally recognised in ICT4RD, by garnering 1 national, and 3 international awards for the eBario project, including the CAPAM Innovation award which beat 112 international submissions worldwide. Alvin has over 100 publications in HCI and ICT4D, completed 19 research projects, and has/is involved in projects with a total value of approx. RM 12 million (USD4 mil). These projects include collaboration with not only local but also international researchers. |
Professor Universidad de Chile Department of Electrical Engineering & Advanced Mining Technology Center Av. Tupper 2007, 837-0451 Santiago, Chile Ph. +56-2-2977 1000 & +56-2-2978 4207 Fax +56-2-6720162 Email: WWW: Javier Ruiz-del-Solar received his diploma in Electrical Engineering and the MS degree in Electronic Engineering from the Technical University Federico Santa Maria (Valparaíso, Chile) in 1991 and 1992, respectively, and the Doctor-Engineer degree from the Technical University of Berlin (Germany) in 1997. In 1998 he joined the Electrical Engineering Department of the Universidad de Chile (Santiago, Chile) as Assistant Professor. In 2001 he became Director of the Robotics Laboratory, in 2005 Associate Professor and in 2011 Full Professor. His research interests include mobile robotics, human-robot interaction, and face analysis. Dr. Ruiz-del-Solar is recipient of the IEEE RAB Achievement Award 2003, RoboCup Engineering Challenge Award 2004, RoboCup @Home Innovation Award 2007, and RoboCup@Home Innovation Award 2008. Since 2006 he has been a Senior Member of the IEEE, and since 2008 a Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society. He is currently Director of the Advanced Mining Technology Center at the Universidad de Chile. |
![]() Dr. Omar Daud Albasini Universidad de Chile Advanced Mining Technology Center Email: Omar Andrés Daud Albasini received the Diploma degree in mechanical engineering from the University of La Serena, La Serena, Chile, in 2004. He received a Master’s degree in mechatronic engineering from the University of Trento, Trento, Italy, in 2007, and also a Ph.D. degree in automatic control, in 2011. He has worked in the field of robotics, mainly in rehabilitation robotics for the rehabilitation of post-stroke patients. He has carried out such activity in collaboration with the Laboratory of Kinematics and Robotics, Fondazione IRCCS, Ospedale San Camillo Venice, Italy, from 2008 to 2011. In 2012, he has joined the Advanced Mining Technology Center, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile, as a Postdoctoral Researcher. From November 2014 he has become an Associate Researcher in the Advanced Mining Technology Center, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile. His research interests include haptics, motion control, bioengineering, and human-factors engineering. |
13 ARBEITER SAMARITER BUND WIEN GESUNDHEITS UND SOZIALE DIENSTE GEMEINNUTZIGE GMBHPetra Hellmich Tel: +43 1 89 145 284 Fax: +43 1 89 145 230 Petra Hellmich is department manager, nursing director, quality manager, hygiene expert, internal auditor and teaching nurse at Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund Wien. After finishing first a technical secondary school and then a nursing school, she graduated in nursing science at Vienna University and continued her postgraduate education in nursing management, quality management, project management, and acquired accreditation for managerial function, as nursing instructor and for hospital hygiene. She also worked in a renowned hospice in Vienna and in different leading positions in Vienna nursing homes during the early stages of her career. |
![]() Philip Tate Philip Tate is head nurse at Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund Wien Gesundheits- und Soziale Dienste gemeinnützige GmbH. He graduated at a technical secondary school and worked in system administration and software development, as department manager and work council. Having served as a paramedic at the Federal Armed Forces, he later successfully completed health care and nursing studies at the University of Applied Sciences Vienna. |
![]() Sigrid Panovsky Tel: +43 1 89 145 283 Fax: +43 1 89 145 230 Sigrid Panovsky works as secretary and project assistant at Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund Wien Gesundheits- und Soziale Dienste gemeinnützige GmbH. Her curriculum includes studies at the university of natural resources and life sciences Vienna, a doctorate at Vienna university, and a professional experience with focus on health promotion and sport science. |