Presenting the Responsibility Platform at the “IEEE Tenth International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science, 1-3 June 2016, Grenoble, France

This work was carried out as part of EU FP7 Responsibility Project to implement an online platform for Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI), which provides anticipatory and deliberative tools to address societal expectations with regard to research and innovation and mobilises information technology tools for inclusive, responsive and sustainable research. In particular, we have developed […]


RRI – Shaping New Horizons. Brussels 2016, January 14-15. REGISTRATION!

The Go4 projects – GREAT, Res-Agora, Responsibility, and ProGReSS – the projects funded in February 2013 under the FP7 SiS work programme 2011, will present the results of their work and research in a joint event that will take place in Brussels next year, on January 2016. Please find the conference concept: Concept Note final. […]