4th Responsibility Consortium meeting, 11-12, September 2014 in Siena, Italy

Posted on: 24.09.2014

The RESPONSIBILITY members 4th Consortium Meeting took place in Siena. The meeting was hosted by the Università Di Siena -Department of Information Engineering and Mathematics- on September 11th and 12th. It was an important occasion where the results achieved so far were assessed and forthcoming planned actions to be revised extensively.

The second day, a workshop with Santina Rocchi (DIISM Chair, UNISI), Agnes Allansdottir (Toscana Life Sciences), Chiara Mocenni (DIISM – UNISI) and Iolanda Iacono (DISPOC – UNISI) was organised.  Opinion Dynamics, Sustainability and Social Robotics to Help Elderly People were the key issues presented and discussed among participants.

RESPONSIBILITY 4th Consortium Metting, Siena, 11-12 September 2014

RESPONSIBILITY 4th Consortium Meeting, Workshop @ Siena, 11-12 September 2014


RESPONSIBILITY Consortium @Siena Meeting, 09-2014